ISO: Advice/Tips/Tricks for Deflasking Catt Seedlings for the first time!
Ok guys! I have purchased my very first catt species flask. We are going to hold off for weather to really warm up before shipping though. I told him I didn't want to risk anything so play it safe rather then sorry and I'll wait! (Plus I feel more confident they will stay alive and healthy in the labs care than my own still!) I got the flask from HBI Orhids/Mick Fournier and really hope he produces quality flasks! Everything I had found looked very good....anyone out there that can comfort me on this choice???
So I have read LOTS of posts by so many of you about choosing flasks and answering others questions. REALLY helpful! I guess I just would like you to throw out any tips or tricks or advice you might have! I also have a few more specific questions...
- Compots versus individual? (if compots are chosen which is what I am leaning towards, I will break them up by size to give smaller seedlings a chance) my concern is it was brought up that if one seedling becomes infected with something, you are more likely to loose the entire pot...thoughts??
- I do plan to wait until spring as long as this is doable based on the flasks condition before deflasking....or I will call a lab and have them replated if necessary and they aren't ready to be deflasked yet! This was adviced by Orchid King??? Something like that...Phillip maybe?? in another post!
- I have already been growing the species (C. dowiana) for a very short while and she is actually doing better then expected....I took a highly advised approach with my dowiana and have her in a basket with loose moss, roots hanging out and then a fan blasting her 24/7 and she has her own light on her too. I was really quite skeptical of this because dowianas are so likely to rot and I don't normally use sphagnum. I also had only ever read a fan should be pointed away from the orchids not directly on them but I gave it a try and am seeing the first signs of new growth starting!
- So my I am learning from my C. dowiana while I wait for my flask....I know I can't apply this exact method after deflasking but how do I use this knowledge to my advantage with the flask babies and helping them survive? Or should I at all?? Can I plant them into compot baskets instead of pots? I also have heard many mention A much higher mortality rate when using sphagnum versus bark and since they won't have their own personal fans while in their "propagator", I don't think moss would be the best. I think it's the combo that is so good with the C. Dowiana....any advice?
Lastly, after deflasking they go in their propagator/clear case. Since they need low light, they don't need any type of light overtop their humidity case right?? And, any advice on how long to take to "harden" them off?
Any other advice or tips would be GREATLY appreciated!
---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------
Oh and incase Ray sees this! I do have every intention in using the Garden solutions on them!!
---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------
Oh shoot! Backup question!!
To use fungicides/to not use fungicides??
I've heard they can stunt growth but then others swear by them....opinions? And if so, or if I should have it at LEAST on hand, any highly recommended brands??? I currently have physan 20....should I get something else or isn't there anything gentler?
Last edited by emmajs243; 02-23-2019 at 01:58 PM..