Well, it feels urgent to me, anyway. and probably to my cattleya.
I did a follow up thread on this one when calcium supplementation briefly seemed to work. (titled: Cattleya with blackened new growths, strange pest - follow up thread - 2/19/16)
More than a year later, I lose more new growths on this one than I keep.
What it isn't: Rot. The growths stay firm, they just blacken and die.
What it doesn't seem to be: calcium deficiency. I supplement w/ calcium each time I fertilize this plant.
What it is, peeps? This one is making me crazy. I'd pitch it if I weren't so invested in beating this mystery issue.
It is, by the way, Slc. Hazel Boyd 'sunset' x Pot Beaufort
Gold 'Susan Fender'
It ought to have a nice flower, but I'd settle for a healthy growing Cattleya. You may notice that even the new growths that do survive the black death are not particularly vigorous, tending to be smaller than the older growths that predate the blackening issue.
thank you, thank you, thank you.