New leaves on Black Bat orchid turning black on edges
Hi, I have a Black Bat orchid and new leaves turn black on the edges. I have removed them and not sure if it is a fungus. I believe it is. What is a good spray to use? Also, I will isolate the plant from others,.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Paul, I wrote Al from Al's Orchids and he doesn't think it's a fungus but maybe grow it in lower light or it might have been from travel stress. Well, I have moved it from others and will do the lower light and also use a fungicide on it 'just to be sure'!
Janice, I agree a pic would be most helpful. Did you send one to Al's when you spoke with them to see what might be happening. Without a visual, it's anybodies best guess. Sometimes even a visual will only render a best guess as well, lol... However it's easier for us to say this is NOT what it is when we can see it.
Black leaf edges might be a sign of chemical burn (over fertilization?)
A picture would be helpful in diagnosing your problem.
Finding care information for a plant is also easier if you have a proper identification (scientific name) for your plant. If my guess is right, it's Tacca chantrieri (a member of the yam family, not an orchid.)
Hi, Don't think my mind was working last evening and really never thought to take pics.But, here they are. Thanks everyone for putting up with a new person here!
If it were a watering problem it would affect the entire leaf not just the edges. Something happened to the leaf as it grew inside the host. I would look at fungus usses. It could be bacterial but I would go with fungal. It shouldn't hurt the leaf as it matures but might keep disfiguring the subsequent leaves. Make sure you only water the media for awhile and not the top of the plant. Keep us posted please.