Thank you for your probative question in order that you might provide a more meaningful answer.
Purchased my first ever ONLINE orchid Pot. Chief 'Sweet Orange' and my first post on this board was whether it was diseased and if I should ask for my money back as it had a black sheath at the base of a new shoot, where it emerged from a pseudobulb, plus it had a black spot with beige center and I was concerned it was diseased. Quarantined it, and watched it because although I have had orchids for some time, this is the first time I have ample time to attend to them to do them justice so am learning all I can about them. I also added a photo in that post that showed two green nubbins emerging from the new shoot which I would take as new active growing roots. Louis a senior member said he thought my photos showed a normal plant and the spot was just a scabbed over portion, which I have since researched and would presume he is correct on the scabbed over spot.
Interestingly, I have an old, old heavily overgrown Cattleya from 2001 which has been out in our direct sun and seasonal rains receiving no treatments or nourishment and it has SIX new shoots emerging and every one of them has this black sheath at its base, so I too am hoping the plant I received is still healthy and normal or my old one is quite tough.
I have come to think the chemical companies have put the black rot fear out there so that we purchase more chemicals and I overacted upon seeing ANY black on my new purchase.
If needed, I had read a topical fungicide will interact with anything it contacts where a systemic fungicide will provide future protection and it is a good idea to plan to protect orchids from future disease. I have a topical on hand now and a systemic ordered to be here in possibly 2 weeks hence the timing question on using them back to back.
I've got a fertilizing routine down pretty good but am quite lacking in protecting them or treating abnormalities other than with 3% hydrogen peroxide and cinnamon.
So appreciate your taking your time to respond since you are in the Keys. I now keep my orchids on an open air covered porch protected from direct sunlight by two layers of shade cloth as a good bit of sun shines on the exposure every afternoon so they only get dappled sunlight. Have a couple small fans moving air through them as well.
Trying to do my best and enjoying it immensely but a long ways to go before I feel competent in my understanding of their proper needs.
Last edited by orchidhope; 05-31-2023 at 12:08 AM..