Nooooo... You will not get new growth by cutting off the spikes, all you will do is deprive yourself of the pleasure of looking at the flowers! (Where did THAT notion come from???) The plant will grow when it is ready to grow. Give it excellent culture, and it will grow on its own schedule. You can't rush orchids! You need to be patient!
If the plant is growing new roots, you can mount it even if in bloom. In general, Tolumnias do better mounted since they are twig epiphytes. (Most people have difficulty growing them in pots over the long term) Where you live, especially, it should do very well mounted. But in general, the time for mounting is when new roots first appear, since they are the only roots that will actively grab the mount.
Last edited by Roberta; 06-16-2024 at 02:51 PM..