Originally Posted by EdinAZ
Some strains of Doritis pulcherrima can get pretty maroon-ish. Mine comes in maroon and gradually the mature leaves get more green in them, but the whole plant has a "maroon" look to it. I've seen some hybrids of this with a distinctly maroon tone to them also.
I'm sure this isn't what Chopster is talking about, but my Phal. schilleriana (4 of them) are all TOTALLY maroon on the underside of the leaves, with the top mottled (but mine have LOTS of maroon in the mottling). Maybe some hybrid of this carried the maroon to the top of the leaf as well?
Yes . . . a picture would help.
Yes, Pulcherrima passes on a marron pigmentation to its offspring. It appears in some as a red new growth then turns green, others it is a green new growth which acquires red pigment as it matures, and in some cases it results in a completely maroon, or half maroon, plant. I have two hybrids with pulcherrima and one has purple underside with a maroon edge above, and the other is almost completely maroon but streaks of green appear as the foliage ages. This is normal and the plant should grow just fine, if anything try giving it more light to enhance the pigmentation, I give mine full early morning sun and light shade for the rest of the day, they love it.
Heres a pic of one of the flowers from this spring
the plant is DTPS. (pulcherrima x Buddah's Treasure)
It is the purple underneath and maroon edge, nice grower but six months from spike to first open flower, does your plant flower something like this?