I received a Brassavolo Nodosa from a local website. It seems to be a healthy plant, which has old flower stalks.
However, it also had 7-8 leaves that were brown and soft, and which looked like they were overwatered or kept too wet. It is potted, but I cannot see the medium because it is covered with moss. Should I remove this? it seems to hold too much water which has damage the rotten leaves.
When you repot you will want to select a medium that drains well and lets the roots dry out somewhat. I have found that it grows well in a plastic basket - small or medium bark, or sphagnum depending on your watering practice. It grows well mounted in a greenhouse environment with humidity, but growing in the house a basket is much easier to maintain. I started mine in a clay pot which I then dropped into a basket - most of the roots ended up on the outside of the pot, in the space between the pot and the basket, and now are on the outside of the basket too. So they get some moisture, but they "escape" toward the air.
This really needs air at the roots. It is perfectly happy with no medium and no mount, dangling bare root from a wire. If kept that way it should have high humidity and regular waterings.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Thanks all, for your advice. I decided to take it out and repot in bark. I realize it is not the right time, but the ground in which it came was still moist and seemed too dense. The roots were not great.
Some leaves are damaged, will probably lose those. I think the bark will be better though, so hoping for the best.
Last edited by floempie01; 01-21-2023 at 06:40 AM..