Where do you live in SD? I am in North County along the coast. You may or may not need heating during the winter. When I needed heating I bought a small electric heater that put out 750 watts or radiant heat. With my overhead fan, that was all that was needed. You can winterize the GH by sealing the door and any vents with duct tape. You probably want to keep most of your orchids on the dry side as they won't be in active growth from Oct to March. As for the summer heat, if you can, water the ground inside the GH in the morning so there is more humidity which will help modify the warmth somewhat. Get one of those fans you can hang or put under the bench and that will also modify the temp somewhat. Lots of strategies for a small GH. Do you belong to either San Diego orchid Society or Palomar Orchid Club? You'll get lots of help from either club. SDOS meets the first teusday of the month in Balboa Park, Case del Prado at 630. Palomar meets the first wed of the month at Lake San Marcos in the Conference Center. Hope to see you at one of our functions.