Better gro orchid plus is a good fertilizer to use. I'm not a big fan or bloom booster fertilizer. The growing season for orchids is from late spring through the summer. Since your fertilizer is made for orchids you can follow the label during the summer growing season. Some of us fertilize once a week so if the label gives a strength for every two weeks, you can cut that in half and give it every week if you like. It's believed that low doses given often is better than fertilizing once a month or even every two weeks. But do whatever works for your schedule. During fall and winter use 1/2 or even 1/4 as much because the plants aren't growing much. When fertilizing just water with the normal amount. Don't pour the whole gallon in. I use 4 gallons of fertilizer to water 70 orchids. Personally I water the orchids before I fertilize but this is controversial and some people don't water first. Either way is probably fine. Once every month or two you should flush the pot really well, wait a few minutes and then flush the pot again. This will loosen up and flush out any excess salts.
Last edited by tucker85; 12-29-2011 at 06:46 PM..