I am sure this question is asked all the time, but this being my first season with cyms I have no idea what these new growths are. The first 2 growths are on the same plant opposite sides and have been this same size for months now (first 2 pics) they are very firm to the touch. It's been quite depressing
. The next 2 pictures are of my second cym that I've had some bad luck with. This growth has been growing and it had some sticky stuff on it. The end is hollow. Is it a spike? Also if the cym hasn't got alot of roots should I allow it to spike? The first cym has stayed outside all summer and still is. The second cym I had to bring in the house overnight, but back outside during the day because it isn't doing so good.
Right now I have several of my phals setting spikes, it's just these cyms are my nemesis
Thanks for the help