Does my Peristeria Elata have a chance of surviving?
Hello all,
This past winter I purchased a very big Peristeria Elata. The nursery said that it desperately needed to be repotted into a larger pot. When it came, the leaves were at least 3ft tall and it had 5 pseudobulbs. 2 older bulbs, 1 small bulb and 2 new pseudobulbs. Well, let me just say that I believe I bit off more than I can chew with her. Because she was so top heavy, she fell to the floor twice. When I repotted her, I went 2 sizes up which she wasn't happy about because her leaves started turning yellow and then just died. ALL her leaves. The nursery said to pot it down a size, which I did. Then one of the new pseudobulbs started turning brown from the bottom upwards. Within 2 weeks it was totally dead. I figured I was doing more harm than good for her, so I just left her alone, watered her once a week and fertilized and fed her twice a month. Kept her under lights and humidity around 60. About 8 weeks ago, I noticed a small green growth coming out and I got really excited! Then it died. Now, I have 2 new growths that seem to be alright but I also noticed that the other newer pseudobulb is now turning brown from the bottom up. I don't know what's going on. I'm afraid I'm just prolonging the inevitable. I've included photos. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Butters mom; 05-14-2024 at 10:27 AM..