B. nodosa is very fragrant at night, and depending on the clone, they can be compact, or sort of medium height. They need a lot of light to bloom well (nearly full sun in native habitat), so if you can provide that, they are well worth it.
I have a young D. spectabile, mine is 8 to 10 inches tall. They get to be quite tall (2+ feet?), but I look forward to the unusual flowers, and what I hear is an amazing fragrance. Right now, I am treating it sort of like a Cattleya (not sure if that culture is right but its growing well).
If you can meet the cultural needs and have the space for the Dendrobium, go fo it!
I wish my D. kingianum was bigger, I'd share a piece; they are not too hard to find. Maybe in a year or 2 mine will be able to spare a rooted division or keiki?