Vanda (NoID) 'Orange Brick'
I just received 7 more plants from 3 different Thai sellers. All 7 are either in bloom, bud, or spike. I am lucky to be able to get such high quality older plants from these Thai sellers. Because the humid weather is so conducive to the plants growth, the plants that I am receiving are large and beautiful (and very inexpensive).
This vanda hybrid the seller calls (English translation from Thai) Vanda Orange Brick. It is a very large vanda with large orange/red brick blooms. The closest registered vanda that I can see is one named Vanda Red Maroon 'Orange Red' and almost looks identical to this vanda. Nevertheless, this vanda will always be a NoID.
Last edited by gjanick2; 11-08-2022 at 10:08 PM..
Reason: adding one more picture