I grow tolumnia almost exclusively, and have found watering / humidity to really be the key to their happiness. Mine are either mounted or in straight LECA; I've recently put a couple into EcoWeb with a thin layer of LECA in the bottom of the pot to guarantee airflow, and that seems to be working well.
I didn't start having serious success with my tolumnia until I got them into a wardian case (I built it out of an old cabinet). It isn't airtight, but it does better at keeping up the humidity than just letting the plants sit out in my Western Pennsylvania home.

I have an ultrasonic mister that turns on 2x / day, and everybody gets a good soaking each morning. I've also got a fan with a fairly steady breeze 24 / 7, so that everything dries out quickly. The plants have been doing better -- and seem to be happier -- than ever!
Oh! I also switched over to using RO water about a year ago. That also seems to contributing to their overall happiness. We have really hard water in Western PA, though, so the difference may not be as dramatic elsewhere.
Hope that helps!