You can now Display the Orchid Society or Club next to your name when you post. I know a lot of you belong to regional Clubs and Societies. Edit your profile and scroll to the bottom. You will notice two new fields
Orchid Club/Society and
Orchid Club/Society Web Address
Enter the right information into the appropriate fields.
Here are the advantages of entering the info if you belong to a club.
- this information will be searchable, so eventually when we have a lot of people entering this information members of societies will be easily able to find other society members of their club.
- big advantage here for societies with websites. Since there is an option to enter the URL of the society page, your society will benefit from a lot of valuable back links, which will bring quality traffic to their page. Having back links (aka link backs) will aid in Google rankings for their society page. This is very valuable, since say you have 5000 posts, you'll provided 5000 links back to your society.
OrchidBoard is happy to, because we're linking to quality similar pages and that improves our ranking as well. Win-Win for everyone
