We have stopped taking suggestions and are now voting for the final 10 here. http://www.orchidboard.com/community...10-summer.html So if your in the project please vote for your favorite 10 plants on the poll. If you would like to join go ahead vote but let me know you want to participate so I will count your vote.
Ok here's what you've been waiting for. Start making your suggestion.

If you need help don't hesitate to ask or go to the link below for helpful info about the project.
Here is a list of the previous project plants. These will not be considered.
Project 1 - Phal. lobbii
Project 2 - Angraecum scottianum
Project 3 - Paph. venustum
Project 4 - Aerangis luteoalba var rhodostica
Project 5 - Laelia reginae
Project 6a - Sediera japonica
Project 6b - Neo. falcata
Project 7 - Mystery Cirr. tingabarium, Asc. pumilum, Res. dodsonii
Project 8 - Haraella retrocalla
Project 9 - Miltonia spectabilis, Coelogyne cristata, Leptotes unicolor
Project 10 - Rhynchostylis coelestis, Dendrobium loddigesii, Laelia anceps
Plant Criteria:
Species only
$20.00 max. (shipping not included)
16"max plant size.
Intermediate Temp. grower (may vary slightly)
Searching Tips. (if anyone has any other ways, let me know and I will add it here)
The best way I have found to research plant to suggest, is to locate a orchid from a local vendor to you, that fit the criteria. Then using the links below see if the other place's also have it. If you find one or more that fit the criteria and located everywhere then take note's of the plant, where you found it for each location, and how much. If possible supply the IOSPE link.
Tentative list: (The one's in
Red have issue's and may not make the final poll)(and almost all of these suggestions do
not meet the requirement in Canada.
Plant suggestion/ Photo link /(Country-Vendor-Price)
Angraecum didieri /
IOSPE PHOTOS /(US-OH-$15) (EU-GO-14eur) (CA-CO-20) (UK)
Denrobium parishii /
IOSPE PHOTOS /(US-AO-$20) (EU-OL-13eur) (CA-?-) (UK)
Dendrobium laevifolium /
IOSPE PHOTOS /(US-OBH-$16) (EU-GO-25eur?)
Dendrobium oligophyllum /
IOSPE PHOTOS /(US-OH-$15) (EU-GO-12eur) (CA-?-) (UK
Dendrobium kingianum /
IOSPE PHOTOS /(US-OH-$8) (EU-GO-16eur) (CA-PM-24) (UK)
Dendrobium unicum /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OBH-$13) (EU-GO/PP-15eur) (CA-?-) (UK)
Dendrobium lindleyi (aggregatum) /
IOSPE PHOTOS /(US-?-) (EU-GO-16) (CA-?-) (UK)
Dendrobium chrysotoxum /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OH-$20) (EU-GO-15eur) (CA-PM-28 nbs)?
Mediocalcar decoratum /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OH-$18) (EU-GO-13eur) (CA-Not found)?
Dinema (Encyclia) polybulbin /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-AO-$20) (EU-GO-13eur) (CA-Not Found) ?
Encyclia tempensis /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US $20 ?) (EU-SO-15eur) (CA-PM-28)?
Laelia Purpurata /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OH-$20) (EU-GO-19eur) (CA-PM-28)?
Oncidium variegatum /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-AO-$16) (EU-KO-20eur) (CA-not found)?
Rhynglauca (Brassavola) glauca /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-AO-$20) (EU-OL-20eur) (CA-PM-26)?
Paphiopedilum delenatii /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-AO-$20) (EU-G0-23 eur) (CA-PM-30 not BS)?
Aspasia lunata /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OH-$15.00) (EU-GO-18.eur) (CA-PM-28.00) ?
Pleurothallis restrepioides /
Dendrobium aberrans /
IOSPE PHOTOS / Need to find here?
Maxillaria tenuifolia /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OH-$15/Mounted $20 pot) (EU-GO-15eur) (CA-CO-10.
Gastrochilus japonicus
/ http://www.orchidspecies.com/gastrochilusjaponicus.htm / (US-JL-$20) (EU-NA/GO-12.5/17eur) (CA not found)?
Cattleya intermedia /
Cattleya intermedia / (US-OH-$15) (EU-NO/GO-12.50/20eur) (CA-PM-$26)
Encyclia cordigera /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OH-$18) (EU-?-?) (CA-not found)
Rhyncostylis gigantea /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-OH-$20) (EU-?-?) (CA-PM-$24/26) There are different color for this one but they are more money at OH (YOUR CHOICE)
Bulbophyllum ambrosia /
IOSPE PHOTOS / (US-CA-$20) (EU-GO-15eur) (CA-CO-$25) Need tofind out if this is Blooming size at Carolina Orchids. List doesn't say.
Cattleya (Sophronitis) cernua /
http://www.orchidspecies.com/sophronitiscernura.htm / (US-BO-$18) (EU-OL-20eur) (CA-not found)
Amesiella monticola
If anyone has a problem with these PLEASE let me know!
Suggested Plants that doesn't make the criteria:
Dendrobium lawesii (US-JL-$18)
Paph. henryanum
IOSPE PHOTO (Availability)
Sarcochilus hartmannii 20in in habitat,
IOSPE PHOTOS but cultivated plants about 6in SBOE ($25), Paramount ($25-28), La Cour des Orchidées (15€
Den tetragonum (might be too big, there's lots of size variation in this species, 2 to 20in!)
SBOE $25, Paramount $25-28, Nardotto e Capello (12,5€)
Stanhopea embreei
IOSPE PHOTOS (Availability) (COST)
U.S. , European search engine and a couple Canadian vendors to help you with availability
Some US vendors (you can use who ever you want just make sure they have good stuff)
Orchids By Hausermann = OBH
Oak Hill Gardens = OH
Andy's Orchids = AO
Santa Barbara Orchid Estate = SBOE (We can't use this vendor due to shipping restrictions)
http://www.carolinaorchids.com/ = CO
http://www.botanicaltd.com/ = BO
European search engine
Großräschener Orchids = GO
Popow Orchids = PP
Orchid Species = OS
Burnham Nursary = BN
Orchid By Peter White = PW
David Stead Orchids = DS
Orchideen Lucke = OL
Orchideen und Orchideenzubehör der Schwerter Orchideenzucht = SO
http://www.elsner-orchideen.de/ = EO
Canadian vendors
Cloud's Orchids = CO
Paramount Orchids = PM
http://orchidsinourtropics.com/ = OT
IOSPE link:
Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia
Participant list:
1. nenella
2. Izzie
3. RJSqurrial
4. Jeff9
5. PitcherASAMD
6. Becca
7. marydanielsanto
8. help
9. Orchidsue
10. tcrane
11. Lady Tottington
12. Rosie
13. Birdsongfarm
14. Kavanarv
15. Camille
16. Erinmir
flhiker (USA)
MuscleGirls'Hobby (USA)
19. Zoi2 (USA)
20. Phapmadman (USA)
21. Duane McDowell
22. Connie Star