Hi All,
Those are great suggestions. I don't think I am experienced enough to have flasks, though. I would prefer blooming size also. Of course, we would need to have miniatures due to space. I was thinking that everyone would sign up first and list their area or say Warm, Intermediate, or Cool growing. All of us can check off intermediate, but many can opt for an another temp preference as well. Once we see how many participants we have, Sue (she said she would volunteer to be the master sheet holder) can contact vendors who handle miniatures and might give a discount for say 25 people or more.
She can list 20 or 25 orchids that we've picked before but it didn't become the final pick, and when we sign up, we can check off if we have any of them....so Sue can be sure we don't get that one again??? Personally, I don't care if I get a duplicate. And she can pick three finalists that will be used anonymously. They should be about the same prices. No one else knows what three she has picked or who will get which of them.
Then say for example, I would get one not marked (but Sue has the info) and it would be either an intermediate and/or cool grower and all I would get is basic light requirements/watering regime. Pretty generic info. Say Sue picked Andy's to ship from. Andy would ship out to everyone exactly what, how, and where Sue tells him and he sends her the master sheet.
No tags on the plant at all, and no invoice.
Money...Sue can tell us up front what the entire cost of plant and shipping and we can send money to an OB account through paypal, credit card, or something like that. Once she has collected the entire money amount, she can pay the vendor and the shipping begins.
There is still a matter of shipping costs to various areas and how to handle that.
Meanwhile, when the plants arrive, we can have fun posting pics and guessing what it is we have. This way, everyone receives the same size plant at about the same time, too.
I'm sure I have a gazillion flaws here, but these are some thoughts, anyway.