HI everbody! Im new to orchids and have a couple questions.
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HI everbody! Im new to orchids and have a couple questions.
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Old 02-25-2007, 12:57 AM
lawngnome lawngnome is offline
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Default HI everbody! Im new to orchids and have a couple questions.

Hi everybody, i was looking through dendroboard(dart frog forum) and found this site. I have almost no expierience with orchids but have been researching the past few days. I am hoping to acquire a few Phals at the orchid show coming up in cupertino.
Here are my questions

1)The unanimous vote for first orchid seems to be Phalaenopsis. Are all the members of this genus equally hardy or are there certain ones that would be unsuitable for a novice orchid grower?

2)As i become more confident with the Phalanenopsis, what would be a good intermediate orchid to move on to.

Oh, and also, around what should i expect to pay for a Phal in bloom?

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Old 02-25-2007, 01:15 AM
terrestrial_man terrestrial_man is offline
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Hello Lawngnome to the BOARD!
Hey another Californian!!! YO
First orchid, dendroboard: sounds like quite a combination especially if you are trying to grow a phally in a viv!

As a first orchid, phalaenopsis appears to be the one that is commonly grown in the home. Seems like most home hobbyists start out with it. Guess that makes me the exception. I made a greenhouse and started out with paphiopedilums!

Have an OSH in your neighborhood?? A Home Depot? Your best bet for an inexpensive phally would be at one of these two places. I have read of phallys being sold at WalMart but the only orchids that I have seen at the local one are dendrobiums. I have a feeling that you may pick one of these as a second orchid.
A lot depends on your tastes and what you can find for the $$$ you can spend.

You may want to check around in your area to see if there is a local orchid society and get involved if you have the time. Also find local orchid growers and visit them. You can learn a lot up front and see live ones too!!! Be a good starting place.

Most of all have fun seeing the plants and making new friends!!
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Old 02-25-2007, 10:32 AM
Ross Ross is offline
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Welcome to the board. While it is true that most folks seem to start with Phals, there other good choices as well. The reason most start with Phals is they make great window-sill plants. But if you have a nice south window and perhaps a table in front of that window you could try Oncidiums (Dancing Ladies) or Miltonias (Pansie Orchids). These tolerate a bit cooler temps than Phals and want lots of water, especially during blooming or new growth development. I'm sureone will chime in here with location for culture sheets.

If you are a Costco member and there is one near you, this is by-far the best place for very large specimen blooming Phals. Just keep watching as they move fast. I got one a couple years ago with 7 spikes, VERY large plant, for $19.95.
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Old 02-25-2007, 10:46 AM
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Hello and welcome to Orchidboard!
You've made the right choice in coming here for help
Our members have amassed loads of information and are willing to share that knowledge with others here at OB

Phals seem to be the most suggested choice for a first orchid but you need to take your "conditions" into account when deciding. Where do you plan on keeping the plant? Do you have lots of light or is the area more shaded? Will you be growing them indoors or outside?

My first orchid was a vanda...but I live in sunny Florida and grow mine outside so it was a good choice for me. Since then, I've acquired many more...and the different groupings all take a different level of care. To me, having lots of time to "play" with the 'chids is a major part of my growing conditions.

Phals are beautiful and they do make good beginner plants...after that, we'll lead you down all the other roads available

You should ask questions of the vendors at the show...they are usually very willing to help. Ask what they feel would be a good choice for you and they'll most likely ask you the same questions we've asked here

Good luck, enjoy the show!
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:17 PM
armin armin is offline

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Welcome to Orchidboard Lawngnome!
I'm growing Phals successfully since I was a kid lol.... I love Phals and they do well wherever you put them... just pay attention to watering and air....
I even grow orchids on a north-side window with a 400W halogen light and on a south-oriented window with no shade (but I'm in London Ontario so it's no California where Tman is growing his orchids outside...I hate him, that includes Sue as well) and they thrive well. I'm takeing all my orchids outside in the spring, and I remember a couple of years ago a Phal get some cold during a night, it turned yellow and was about to die but I took it inside for 3 weeks and it gave me a spike, after that on late spring I put it outside again... they are strong and kind of cheap if you buy them at Costco.... I bought 2 for 14$ (Canadian dollars). Regarding the orchid show... look for a Bellina... it's a great Phal...fragrant one....
Good luck and don't forget to show us the pics with what you bought....
And.. Lawngnome... ignore the dancing bananas of other members above me... they have not such things in their greenhouses...though, they know a lot about orchids and some of them are living encyclopedias... I still don't think they have dancing bananas... who knows....
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:32 PM
lawngnome lawngnome is offline
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Whoops forgot to put my location, thanks for all the help, im heading to osh right now to see what they have.
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Old 02-25-2007, 04:44 PM
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Welcome to the Orchid Board. Glad you found us. No, not all Phals are equal. Their are giant Phals and tiny Phals. But the ones you want are the easily available, just the right size Phals. Unless you are looking to grow inside a vivarium, in which case you want the little ones. You don't want the giant ones until you are comfortable enough with growing them to spend the money for those rareties.
When you water them, keep the water away from the crown, where the leaves meet. Keep them warm, and as humid as you can (if all you can achieve is 30% humidity, they will eventually get used to that), but give them lots of air movement to avoid rot.
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We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"

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