This is probably my favorite nobil hybrid, but I love three others as well. Love Memory Fizz & Yellow Song Canary & Red Emperor Prince.
This variety is supposed to be a "late" bloomer for type, but mine bloomed in early January this year. Last year, March. Not an ideal condition I have for it is probably to blame. and rather poor flowering performance.
I was just happy to see it bloom.
I would like to share some old pictures of mine in its "glory" days.
First picture shows flowers that just opened. (grown under strong light)
You see quite a bit of magenta hue with just a hint of yellow in the center.
Then over the course of a few days or a week or so even, the lighter center develops deep golden yellow gradually bleaching out the magenta and turning into orange/peach with some reddish hue remaining toward the tips of petals and sepals.
The lip turns deep yellow with slight orange/peach hue barely touched by red orange at the bottom end.
It is amazing color combination and the name rightly fits the flowers.
It's like tropical sunset!!!
The very last picture is when the flowers opened in the shade.
You see the overal color being very timid.