Originally Posted by sweta
Hello friends,
Just wanted to you an update on my kingianum. I see a tiny nub emerging from the soil so probably its growing a new pseudobulb. As you all said light seems to have been the reason why it wasnt growing at all. I increased the grow light intensity quite a bit and now it seems to be growing. I never realized den kingianum needs such a high intensity of light. Thank you all so much for your suggestions, helped me a lot. I almost gave up on it.
If you can replicate our growing conditions here in Victoria, Australia your kingianum will excel.
Outdoors all year round - we have hot dry summers and cold but not snowy winters.
Mine lives outdoors all year round and receives direct late afternoon sun, lots of water during growing season
In one growing season the p.bulbs should double or triple depending on the size of the plant.

Good luck