Hi all, I just want to share my photo of Catasetum 'Chuck & Louise' blooming. There are two tags that came with this plant, Chuck & Louise and Ctsm. Louise Clarke 'Wonder Woman' x Ctsm Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine'. I don't know for certain which is which, but I like it's blooms. No fragrance that I can detect.
Last edited by Gpesci; 07-05-2024 at 11:23 AM..
Reason: add photos
When breeders sell new crosses they list the parents on the tag. When the plants flower and receive a name, that goes on the new tags, but the old tags that came with the seedling may still be in the pot. I have bought a number of crosses Fred Clarke has remade several times. The first seedlings had the tag with the two parents; after naming, they tend to have the name in a large font, with the parents shown below that in a smaller font.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.