When – after finally getting the name of the US importer from the manufacturer – I got samples of KelpMax, I was afraid to try it on my precious orchids, as no one had ever used it on that kind of crop before. So, I treated all of my houseplants. Dracaenas started branching like mad, aglaonemas started spiking, and a spathyphyllum that my wife had had for 15 years, bloomed for the first time. As I didn't kill anything, and the result was so astounding I decided to try the plants in the greenhouse.
Within a few weeks of two consecutive waterings with KelpMax at a tablespoon per gallon, this was the result with my Vandaceous plants:
Previously, my typical spring-time root growth on vandas consisted of four-, to six new roots, but that year they averaged 40.
After seeing that I decided this was a product the orchid world needed, so negotiated the ability to sell it.