I've found fertilizer to be the most difficult topic with regards to orchid care. There are so many different recommendations, depending upon the species, the environmental conditions, life cycle, etc.
Then there is Ray's website on plant nutrition that goes into a tremendous amount of information, a good portion of it into the bio-sciences, and an elaborate calculation of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium that makes my eyes glaze over. Too much information for me, I'm afraid.
I'm no botanist nor professional orchid grower. I'm just a guy with a few plants who wants to do something a little better than just filtered tap water. Unfortunately I bought MiracleGro last month and now learned that it contains urea, which is not helpful for orchids.
MSU, Dynagrow, and a few others have been mentioned. I guess anything that doesn't contain urea and not too much nitrogen should be fine for someone who wants to keep it simple with one basic product?
Last edited by cythaenopsis; 09-20-2011 at 12:24 PM..