Orchids From Amazon: A Big NO
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Orchids From Amazon: A Big NO
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Old 09-15-2021, 11:03 AM
MjKozz MjKozz is offline
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Orchids From Amazon: A Big NO
Question Orchids From Amazon: A Big NO

I'm not new to orchids, but I'm not that knowledgeable about them. So when my husband sent me one as a gift, I was waiting for a florist truck to pull up. Instead, a UPS guy came and gave me a box with the words, "Amazon" written on it, and inside there was a 2-stem, 30 inch tall "Phan" plant with 6-8 large leaves, in a somewhat attractive, molded box pot. It goes downhill from there.
All the leaves are leaning towards yellow or are yellowing. The edges are brown on most of the leaves, and there are 3 dead leaves folded over the pot. There is one branch (?) on each stem with 4-5 bulbs in various stages of flowering of which most are yellowed or white and wilted. Both branches are broken from the stem and hanging by what I would call a "thread."
I checked the soil, and it looks/feels like it was water/sprayed before being boxed, and though there's a root sticking out, I haven't checked the condition of the soil, because I'm thinking I should be prepared to transplant it into a drier environment in hopes of saving it. Here's how I resolved the issue:

I first checked the Amazon page where the plant was being sold. Of course there were very few negative remarks, which is why my husband picked it, and of course, the photo looked wonderful. Then I came across this, "Plants are shipped and mailed from Amazon." What? When did Amazon become a florist shop? I tried to return it on the site, and it said I couldn't, so I called them, told them what I received, and they said, "Let me check this out. I'll be right back." I was ready to explode.

She comes back and says, "Would you prefer the refund on the gift card or should we send it to the original form of payment?" She wasn't gone 3 minutes before coming back with the options. Of course, she added, "Feel free to dispose of the plant or keep it." And so I'm trying to find the best way to try and fix this poor plant, and any advise - including considering it a wash - will be much appreciated.

End of story - Husband learned a valuable lesson, and it only cost him a bottle of Glenlivit, which I gladly share with him! lol
I have purchased plants by mail directly from shops and have never had a real problem that wasn't addressed, but I don't recommend buying plants from Amazon without verifying where it's actually coming from and how it's being transported. I'm been a Prime member forever, and the only real advantage I see from buying ANYthING from Amazon is it's return policy, so check that out before doing anything like this.
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Old 09-15-2021, 01:42 PM
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Orchids From Amazon: A Big NO Male

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Sorry this happened, but at least they fixed it. In most of the US decorative orchids are readily available at markets and home improvement shops, and you can see what you're buying.

The plant you have might recover but it will take a while to flower again. I suggest you read a thread here that teaches how to grow Phals. From the left yellow menu choose Forums then Beginners. Near the top is a sticky thread The Phal abuse stops here. After Reading through the first few pages of comments you'll get the idea.
May the bridges I've burned light my way.

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amazon, checked, husband, leaves, plant

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